Maisach – 25. February 2020 – Eloma as one of the leading manufacturers of high-quality combi steamers and baking ovens from Maisach, was awarded Best Partner 2020/2021 by GGKA during INTERGASTRA 2020 in Stuttgart.
The professional association called its 80 members to vote in December 2019. Eloma convinced the specialist trade for the “Project and Design” section in the “Cooking Technology” category – certainly also due to the new JOKER, which was presented to the market in October 2019.
The selection of the best partners was carried out by the specialist trade, which speaks for the relevance of this award, and evaluated in selected areas in the school grading system that are relevant to the trade. Eloma won with a grade of 2.22.
Mark Joseph Müller, Managing Director of Eloma: “We see this award as a clear recognition of our many years of intensive support for the specialist trade. Our focus on solutions that are tailor-made for the customer obviously has its finger on the pulse of the times”.
As early as 1998, Eloma proved its pioneering spirit and courage when their JOKER was the first compact combi steamer to be introduced successfully to the global market. Since then, the Bavarian company has continuously developed this competence and is now transferring tradition to the modern age.
The width of only 52 cm, and Eloma’s core values reliability, quality and user-friendliness are obviously the pillar stones also of the new compact class. These however have been complemented by modularity, flexibility and design – as the three main highlights of the new JOKER. Meaning, Eloma does not provide the customer with a standard but offers modular options in the configuration. The customer decides what he needs, as one size does not fit all.
The right fit! The new JOKER
Get to know the JOKER:
Eloma – eine Bauchentscheidung.