
Gingerbread Crème Brûlée

Benefit from the pre-programmed recipes in your combi steamer!


  • 4 C (500 ml) whipping cream
  • 12 large egg yolks
  • ½ C (120 ml) sugar
  • 2 tsp (15 ml) Gingerbread spice blend
  • ½ tsp orange zest, micro-planed
  • 3 tsp (15 ml) vanilla extract
  • ½ C (120 ml) sugar


45 Min.
1. Step: Place 8 crème brûlée dishes on Sheet Pan and set aside.
2. Step: Select the program “Flan/ Crème Brûlée" on the Combi and preheat.
3. Step: Heat cream with orange zest and gingerbread spice mix in a sauce pan over medium-high heat until it begins to steam. Do not overheat. Remove pot from heat.
4. Step: In a separate bowl, whisk egg yolks with sugar and Vanilla Extract. Slowlyadd warm cream to mixture, stirring gently to prevent bubbles. 
              Divide custard mixture between crème brûlée dishes. 
              Place sheet in oven; Combi steam for 30 minutes or until edges are set, but centers are slightly wobbly. Remove sheet pan from oven and let cool to room temperature.
5. Step: Refrigerate for a minimum of 6 hours, or overnight.
6. Step: To serve sprinkle sugar evenly over the Crème and caramelize using a blowtorch. Serve with gingerbread or other holiday cookie.


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